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What can Lege Nova do for me?
We work with businesses that have online presence and help them with their legal compliance. We provide businesses with the most important legal documents they need online, and also consult them on their general legal compliance framework.
Where does Lege Nova operate?
Although we operate online, we offer our services to businesses around the world, with an emphasis on European ones. The reason is that we are specialised in EU law. Nothing except the best is acceptable for us, therefore we do not compromise and accept clients from jurisdictions where we have no experience. Your satisfaction is our primary concern, therefore we reserve the right to refuse client requests if we do not feel we will provide the best possible solution.
Is Lege Nova a law firm?
No, Lege Nova is not law firm. Although all our team members have legal education and experience, we do not brand ourselves as lawyers in the traditional sense. This innovative approach allows us to provide much more competitive prices to our client than a law firm, as well as more flexible services.
Why do I need any of the documents listed on the website?
If you have a website and especially if you sell goods or services online, you need to have the essential documents we have listed in our Ultimate Guide to Online Legal Compliance. Having all these documents in place will make your website or/and mobile app legally compliant – this means you will be able to avoid fines and legal claims from customers in most cases. Of course we cannot give you any full guarantees but we promise that you will reduce the potential risk immensely.
How do I know the documents will work for me?
We personalise our documents for each customer, should you wish to opt for custom documents. In addition, or Generators have been complex alghoritms which customise the documents in question based on the client’s input. We believe your business is unique and deserves unique legal framework.
Who can impose a fine on my business?
Each country Member of the EU has its own national regulators and authorities responsible for online legal compliance. Usually fines will be imposed by the national courts or specialised authorities. For example, the national Data Protection Regulator in each country supervises whether online businesses follow their legal obligations with regards to the personal information of website visitors.
How long does it take for my documents to be ready?
We strive to deliver our services as soon as possible. Our standard working time is 5 working days. Many time however we will be ready faster, and inform you accordingly.
What does the FREE Legal Consultation entail?
Lege Nova’s company values gravitate around the idea that everyone needs accessible legal support. That is why we provide a FREE Legal Consultation to each and every one of our clients. We do not care if you will order any service from us – all we want is to make sure you are aware of your legal obligations!